برنامج تحويل اللابتوب الى جهاز راوتر لبث الانترنت
تحميل برنامج mHotspot لبث الانترنت من الكمبيوتر
mHotspot is a completely free software
which converts your windows 7 & 8 laptop into a virtual wifi router and creates a secure wifi hotspot
You can share single internet connection (LAN, Ethernet, Data-Card, 3G/4G, Wif) for multiple devices like laptops, smartphones, android phones, PDAs, Ipads etc
Play Multiplayer gaming using mHotspot
No router or external hardware is required apart from your existing one
It's now extremely easy to share your wireless network signal from your Windows computer, thanks to programs such as mHotspot. It's an application used by millions of users from all of the world due to how easy it is to use
Features of mHotspot
Create hotspots for computers and <
mobile devices
Share any kind of Internet connection <
Secure connection <
Monitor how each device uses the <
Send files straight to other devices <
And yes, its great simplicity is one of the reasons it's among the favorite applications of many users. But this situation is also so due to the fact that it offers the resources necessary for the user to monitor everything that has to do with wireless network security, both regarding the data shared by its users and the devices connected to the network
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