
Genisys Xiaomi Tool Free

Genisys Xiaomi New Tool Download


Genisys Xiaomi Tool is a small tool for Windows computers. it is allowed users to ADB, TWRP, Diag, and Fastboot mode to perform any task on Xiaomi phones

Features Genisys Xiaomi Tool

ADB Mode •
Info; Device, Block <
Reboot; Normal, Fastboot, Recovery <
Backup; Efs <
Erase; Efs <

Diag •
Sideload <
Twrp\ Diag Mode <
Info; Device, Block <
Reboot; Normal, Fastboot, Recovery <
Backup; Efs, Boot, Persist <
Erase; Efs <
Flash; Persist <

Fastboot Mode •
Info; Device <
Reboot Normal,Fastboot,Recovery,Edl <
Erase; Efs <
Xiaomi Firmware Flash <
Flash Tool ( Fastboot ); Boot, Recovery <
 Modem, Persist

How To Use

First, you need to download the zip <
 from the below link
Next, you can unzip all files at c <
 drive it's very important
Next, open the folder which you have <
 to extract all files
Run the "Genisys Xiaomi tool.exe <
Next, you can install all drivers if <
 you already installed skip this step
Connect the phone and try to do any <
Enjoy <
Download Link